Sunday, August 31, 2008

A little about me...

Hello everyone! Thank you for stopping and looking at the book reviews I will be doing. My name is Saida Sanchez, and I am a librarian for an elementary school that serves students in Pre K to fifth grade. Before becoming a librarian, I was a teacher for 13 years. I have worked with students from first grade all the way to eighth grade. I have always loved reading, and I hope that by reading the reviews I will post you will feel motivated to go grab a book and enjoy it yourself. If you don't, at least, you will know a little more about the books and you can recommend them to someone else. Happy readings and hope to see you back.

1 comment:

dalopez13 said...

Wow! I really like what you have done with your blog... I am sure that it took a lot of effort. Well Done!